Tony’s Frequently Asked Questions

What is your favorite thing about leading the St. Anthony School?

My favorite thing is absolutely that I have the privilege to be a part of an amazing team of individuals focused on creating positive change for our students and their families. The level of compassion, respect, patience and teaching shown by this staff on a daily basis warms my heart with pride for all involved.

What is your most memorable moment since you've been at St. Anthony?

Those special days when former students come back to visit the school and staff to share their stories after leaving The St. Anthony School. It’s hard to put into words the emotions after seeing their faces when they describe graduating from college, talk about their great job, or share pictures of their wives and children. It’s not long before there are tears of joy and thanks to the staff. The recurring theme is, “You may not know this, but the two or three years I was at the school, I learned absolutely everything I needed to be a happy, responsible, son, father, mother, daughter, neighbor! The St. Anthony School staff really does make the difference.”

What is the one thing you want every parent to know about the St. Anthony School?

Our staff takes the time necessary to treat all students and families with care, dignity, professionalism and respect. This process begins at the student’s current academic, emotional and social level. Each family is experiencing a unique set of issues; therefore, the team individualizes the academic and social plan to meet each family’s needs.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love spending time with family, grilling, watching sports (aka the Dallas Cowboys) and traveling.